Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Good morning, time for breakfast, fun fun fun, small fight, see you in the morning!

So today has been an overall great day. I love spending so much time with the girls, the 6 ½ hours they are here just flies by. I feel like this summer is going to fly by a lot faster than I want it to. So today we were able to break into our groups. I absolutely love my group, although we did have one dispute, it is hopefully now fixed and we will be able to see how it goes from there. I don’t think I’m going to put the girls names up here- just for privacy issues. I had 6 girls today ranging from 9-11. They are all so different from one another.

We came up with our team name- SOUR STRAWS!!! These girls are definitely meant for me- sour candy is my weakness. In devotion we talked about how each one of us are fearfully and wonderfully made with a distinct purpose and plan that God has created for us. Then we had dance, and surprisingly some of the girls really don’t like to dance. Hopefully by the time we get some choreographed they will be more into it. Then we spent some time in each one of our groups and discussed all about how God made each one of us specially and he loves each one of us. The girls were really attentive and interested and some of them had a lot of input. One of the girls asked “is this Church?” So I got to explain that this is not actually a Church but that the ones who work here do believe in God and Jesus and we want to share him with each of the girls there. I had one girl mention confession- we got to talking about sin and forgiveness- so I’m not exactly sure how much religion or faith these girls have been exposed to.

Two of my girls are really aggressive and have been taught to fight and that is probably most of what they have done. I noticed this the other day but it became extremely clear today. So later in the day, two of my girls got into a confrontation and did hit each other- so they both received strikes. Hopefully a little bit of rearranging the group will solve that problem. We will have to see how it goes. I just want to dig deep into these little girls and just show them Jesus’ love and teach them there are other alternatives to fighting and that it doesn’t solve anything. It is definitely going to be an ongoing mission for me, but definitely one of my goals.

So now I am pretty tired, but I am just loving it so much here and I can’t wait to see what happens next.
<3 Kendall

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